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About Our Dental Practice in the Marmora Area

Marmora Family Dental Associates’ dentists, hygienists, and front-office staff commit themselves to outstanding patient care and customer service. More importantly, we keep up-to-date on changing standards and technology in the dental industry. Our patients attest to the quality of service they receive from us by returning time and again for more cleanings, cosmetic care, and orthodontics. We provide a modern dental experience complete with gentle care and state-of-the-art equipment. As part of our commitment to transparency, we’ve provided in-depth information about our practice.

three generations of woman smiling together

Learn About the People at Our Practice

At Marmora Family Dental Associates, we look forward to getting to know you during your appointment. We tailor our treatments and care to each patient’s unique needs. Our goal is to build a relationship so you feel comfortable and confident in the services you undergo. An excellent start to that relationship is letting you learn about us before your visit. Explore the following information to get a better picture of the people who staff our office:

Meet Our Doctors

Our doctors apply their extensive training and experience to provide exceptional dental care to patients of all ages. Their history in dentistry has led them to develop versatile expertise in treatments such as dental implants, full mouth reconstructions, and Invisalign®.

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Meet Our Team

Our office is full of friendly and compassionate professionals whose caring nature complements their talents in taking care of your oral care needs. The front office staff will ensure we meet your forms, scheduling, and other administrative needs promptly. Our kind and thorough dental assistants and hygienists ensure your dental treatments run smoothly.

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Visit Our Dentists & Staff

We gladly welcome new and current patients to our practice. Now that you know more about who’s providing your care give us a call today to schedule an appointment at our location in Marmora, NJ. We serve patients located in all the Cape May and Atlantic Counties of New Jersey, including Marmora, Egg Harbor Township, Sea Isle, Somers Point, and Ocean City. You can reach us at 609-390-0111 to speak with a member of our team.