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Payment Options

We accept most major insurance plans and will work with you to help you understand your benefits. As a courtesy, we verify your insurance benefits and can provide a quote of your out of pocket expenses for you. For our patients without dental coverage, we will work with you to accommodate your individual needs and discuss payment options. Please call our practice with any insurance verification, benefits, or insurance questions you may have.



Smile Now, Pay Over Time. Marmora Family Dental Associates has partnered with Sunbit

Sunbit offers flexible financing plans for your dental needs.

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Think of CareCredit as your own health, wellness and beauty credit card. Whether it’s a root canal, getting a crown or a general check up, you shouldn’t have to worry about how to get the procedures you want. That’s why we’re pleased to accept the CareCredit health, wellness and beauty credit card. CareCredit lets you say “Yes” to recommended cosmetic and general dental procedures, and pay for them in convenient monthly payments that fit your financial situation.

CareCredit is a healthcare credit card that helps you pay for treatments and procedures for you or your family that may not be covered by insurance. With special financing options* You can use your CareCredit card again and again for your dental needs, as well as at 200,000 other healthcare providers, including dentists, optometrists, veterinarians, ophthalmologists and hearing specialists.

It’s free and easy to apply and you’ll receive a decision immediately. If you’re approved, you can schedule your procedures even before you receive your card. With more than 21 million accounts opened since CareCredit began nearly 30 years ago, they are the trusted source for healthcare credit cards.

Learn more by visiting or contacting our office. Ready to apply? Apply online for your CareCredit healthcare credit card today.

We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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